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České příspěvky naleznete v návštěvní knize.
Posts with video links are here / příspěvky s odkazy na videa jsou zde.

rubbereva - rubber clinic


   (8.4.2008 15:46)
I search videos from



Can anybody help ?

Huge thanks to JMAN


   (8.4.2008 10:58)
Thanks a ton for those JMAN, I didn't think anyone could find those ARW videos. Do you have any more? I'm particularly fond of all of the crotch rope and leather bondage harness ones that are posted as previews on the site, if you have any more I'd love to see them.

To Magictom


   (8.4.2008 8:41)
You put your link in her and the admin post them on the site !

How to Upload here


   (6.4.2008 1:58)
Hello friends
I have tons of good BDSM Vids on my Harddisk, but i don´t know how to provide them on this site. (Well, i know how to share on Rapidshare, but i don´t know how to post the Vids on this wonderful site.)
I am now consumer here since months, but now i want to give something back to the community..
Nice greetings from Austria
PS. If somebody can help me, send me a mail to my given Mailadress..



   (5.4.2008 16:08)
Can somebody please tell me how I can contact "someone", or "someone999"???


Cheers Grandmaster1


   (5.4.2008 12:59)
Cheers for them.
Keep up the good work. Been loving
the vids you have been posting the last few weeks.

Really liked the
madmonk and even more so.. Tapeman!

Got anymore like that, that would be great.





   (4.4.2008 13:54)
I would like to thank everyone whoi is contributing to this amazing site.

Special thanx to Jman for posting those fantastic ARW. If anyone happen to have more of them, specially the newer ones, would be very nice to se them.

Thanks again!

Sara Nychols or Aussie Rope Works


   (4.4.2008 5:33)
The contributions to this site have been amazing. The uploaders always seem to have rare and interesting clips at the ready, so I'll take a chance and ask for another:

Sara Nychols, formerly of boundandgaged.net and slavesara.com (both of which, I think are now defunct) is one of my favorite models. Does anyone have videos of her lying around or know of a rapidshare link for some?

Also, a lesser known, but still skilled rigger, Austrailian Rope Works is another favorite. His main model, Melissa is great.

If anyone has either of these two models/riggers laying around please post them.



Elane Hershey


   (3.4.2008 7:50)
I would like to thank Grandmaster for his recent short videos. They are very nice. I especially like videos showing on-screen gagging. Elane Hershey can take the most awesome gags in the world. I know she is older and full-bodied but so am I :-) If anyone could post more Elane Hershey material old guys like me would really appreciate it.



looking for


   (1.4.2008 8:55)
more movies from rebel concepts, femdom


tasha marley!


   (31.3.2008 22:22)
does anyone have a collection of tasha marley pics from modelstied? a few zips or rars or anything? pretty please <3

Hawk Heroines


   (31.3.2008 16:10)

Has anyone got anything from the hawk heroines site?

Thanks in advance.

QuickTime editing


   (31.3.2008 1:32)
Hello hrvinky

Thank you very much for the editing/viewing tip and also for uploading MistressMania. I did not know that VLC had that capability and it works like a dream.
Thank you very much.

I owe you one, again

QuickTime Editing


   (30.3.2008 8:20)

If you have a Mac, then you probably already have iMovie. That will do it.

Another easy alternative is VLC (http://www.videolan.org/). Line up the clips you want in the playlist and play. I use this method when I want to focus on the good stuff and skip the crap.

On the whole, though, the small price you pay for QuickTime Pro is well worth it. With QuickTime Pro, you can simply drag the clips to a new movie file and perform basic editing without the overhead of iMovie.

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